Guide for Authors

  • The journal accepts for publication research that falls in the field of communication and information sciences, as well as skills and experience in them.
  • When submitting for publication in the journal, the researcher must submit receivables that have not been previously published in another journal.
  • The origins of traditional research from two images written on the computer
  • The research origins are sent to the magazine’s editor-in-chief, and the first page is headed by the title of the research, followed by the name of the researcher and then his job in parentheses, provided that he submits a summary within ten lines.
  • To be in the foreground.
  • That there is an assumption in researching the features of modernity and adopting the scholastic curriculum.
  • The opinions you see are interrelationships interrelationships interconnections interrelationships about some visions
  • If this situation arises, you must provide packets in this regard.
  • In preparing the list of references, the following should be taken into account:
  1. Book: author's name - date (with an indication of the edition) - book title - place of publication - publishing house.
  2. Articles and periodicals start with the article name - article title - article name - number and date - the pages on which the article is located.
  3. Academic theses begin with the name of the thesis author - thesis title - college and university - date.
  4. The researcher The research to be published in the journal was copied by computer using Microsoft Word, the space between the lines is complete 18 and the space between the paragraphs is 6 points, the research is recorded on an e-mail.
  5. The researcher summarized in English within 200-250 words.
  • Research are published in Arabic and English in the areas of specialization that are concerned with the journal. It is preferable for the researcher to send a summary summery attached in Arabic and English for his research according to correct rules and arbitration in the journal.
  • Taking into account the size of the search for the conditions with emphasis.
  • The magazine's editorial board has the right to reject any news.
  • Originals of previous offers to the magazine are not returned, whether they are accepted for publication or not
  • A special edition can be issued for any of the research that the editorial board of the magazine deems to be issued in the event that its pages are more than the pages in force in the publishing rules or demand for it from researchers.
  • It is published in a magazine according to the precedence of its receipt after that in its final form for publication.